Meet Dylan, one of our awesome. web developers!
- what do you do at awesome.?
I am a front end developer which consists of several things such as building brand new websites from scratch and working on previous projects
- what made you choose this skill/career?
One day I saw a nice looking website and wondered to myself “How did they make this?” So I inspected their code and had no idea what it all meant so I dug deeper into what it all was, this led me down hole of darkness, not knowing where to look for answers, but in the end I found what I was looking for which has took me to this point in time
- what are you currently working on?
A Content Management System (CMS) which allows the client to customise the content on a custom made website
- what things have you seen recently that you thought were awesome.?
The apple website, how the content pops out and moves when you scroll down the page
- you meet your other version from the multiverse - what do you do and what are you like (explain)?
Ended up making a SaSS app to which made me the bill gates of that universe
- sum up the awesome. life and what you love about working here
How time flexible awesome is, work wherever whenever.
- what’s your go to work-song?
Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
- is there anything you’re looking forward to doing/achieving at awesome.?
Ending up being better and having more knowledge than when I started
- highlight moment at awesome. so far?
Implementing a website from a design and it turning out amazing