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Introducing Virginia, our Junior Web Developer!

15th Jun 2022

- what do you do at awesome.?

I’m a Junior Web Developer - I drink coffee all day and I also code!

- what made you choose this skill/career?

I’ve simply decided to do a living doing what I love. I took a great studying opportunity which came unexpectedly and I thought it was a sign of fate. Before this, I had chosen the path of Food Technician, but I thought that eating a lot was not enough to continue.

- what are you currently working on?

Front-end of a big super cool project!

- what things have you seen recently that you thought were awesome.?

The last Stranger Things season

- you meet your other version from the multiverse - what do you do and what are you like (explain)?

I’m in a gang of robbers with city names, mine is Prague. I’m living my best life on an unknown island after robbing the Royal Mint of Spain (you must have watched Money Heist to get it).

- sum up the awesome. life and what you love about working here

I’ve recently joined the team and what I love the most is that I felt part of this awesome team since day one.

- what’s your go to work-song?

Unstoppable - Sia

- is there anything you’re looking forward to doing/achieving at awesome.?

Learning lots of cool stuff, working on new exciting projects

- highlight moment at awesome. so far?

Meeting the team for the first time!